
Education survey templates

Keep yourself educated on what the students of today need and deserve

From adapting to challenging technological and digital learning models to dealing with the stresses of university acceptance, students, parents, and educators alike have a lot on their plate. With our education survey templates, you can deep dive into what works for students, what doesn't, and use these findings as a blueprint for building a conducive and nurturing educational environment. Get started today!

Education survey template

This incident report template is designed to gather vital information, including the location, date, and individuals involved in an incident.

This library registration form gathers personal details, mailing address, and library card number if applicable, along with preferences related to the type of library card desired.

The course evaluation template is designed to collect feedback from students on various aspects of a course, such as overall satisfaction, course materials, teaching quality, achievement of objectives, engagement, feedback, workload, and difficulty.

The education survey template is crafted to accumulate valuable feedback from students about their educational program, focusing on their satisfaction with teaching quality, course materials, career preparedness, and the accessibility of necessary resources and support.

The university application form template is a standardized form that students fill out when applying to universities.

The parent survey template empowers educational institutions to collect feedback from parents on multiple facets of their child's education, encompassing aspects like communication, safety, and overall satisfaction.

The school climate survey template encourages students to rate their experiences and sentiments about their school environment, covering areas like safety, inclusivity, the responsiveness of teachers and staff, and the overall learning environment.

The course feedback template measures the quality of a course by encouraging students to rate aspects like the content, materials, the instructor's teaching style, and the relevance of course concepts and skills.

The course evaluation form assesses students' perceptions of a course they have finished, focusing on elements like course content, instructor effectiveness, course materials, and assessments.

This survey aims to evaluate a student's academic performance, participation, critical thinking skills, problem-solving skills, and attitude in a course.

The school survey revolves around rating the quality of education provided by the school, the adequacy of its facilities and resources, and the engagement of extracurricular activities and programs.

The student feedback form evaluates the quality of a course by asking students to rate elements like the course content, the effectiveness of the instructor, course materials, and assessments.

The student satisfaction survey template assists educational institutions in gathering feedback from students regarding their experiences, including aspects like product or service quality, customer service, pricing, and overall satisfaction.

The complaint form template enables companies and organizations to methodically gather information about an incident or issue, affected products or services, and customer expectations.

Education Survey Template Builder

Crafting a comprehensive curriculum that educates, engages, and empowers students can be an uphill task. But with LimeSurvey's customizable education and course feedback templates, you can gather valuable critiques of your course and curriculum offerings, and use it to tailor your academic program accordingly. Find out what your students think of the faculty, teaching methods, extracurricular life, and more.

  • Easy and simple to use
  • Statistics
  • Questionnaire templates
  • GDPR compliance
  • So much more…

More Survey Template Types

Student life and satisfaction is multifaceted, and understanding which factors need improvement is critical to improving the student experience. With LimeSurvey’s templates, you can gauge how teachers are impacting students' overall educational experience, gather staff feedback, and gain insights from parents and caregivers. Educators can use these insights wisely to make informed decisions that deliver a positive educational experience for all stakeholders.

Best Education Questionnaires and Feedback Form Templates

Eager to get to know your students better? Leverage our wide array of education survey templates that can help you tap into and manage diverse student needs, preferences, and expectations. Make a habit of regularly capturing student and teacher feedback, so you can continuously tweak and improve your academic offerings, fine-tune processes, and deliver a personalized, engaging, and effective learning experience.