
Free Online Questionaires

Discover the easiest and most effective way to create and start free online questionnaires! Our website offers the best tool for making polls and gathering valuable data. With just a few clicks, you can create a questionnaire and receive instant results on the web. Our platform makes it easy for you to make your own free online polls and get the answers you need. So why wait? Start creating your own questionnaires now!
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Open and closed surveys
Various survey designs
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Anonymous surveys
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With the LimeSurvey editor you can create and publish your first questionaire within minutes
OpenSource & community-power
LimeSurvey is built upon a powerful OpenSource community that is constantly developing our solutions further and is happy to help new members

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Trusted by the world's most curious minds
Customer satisfaction questionnaires
Likert scale questionnaire
Questionnaires for research
Research questionnaires
Marketing questionnaires
Client satisfaction questionnaires
Satisfaction questionnaires
Customer feedback questionnaires
Employee engagement questionnaires
Customer service questionnaires
Employee satisfaction questionnaires
Employee questionnaires
Event questionnaires
Product questionnaires
Opinion questionnaire
Questionnaires for customer satisfaction
Questionnaires in qualitative research
Health history questionnaires
Market research questionnaires
Health questionnaires
Questionnaires in research
Feedback questionnaire
Patient satisfaction questionnaires
Client questionnaires
360 degree feedback questionnaire

Best tipps for creating a questionnaire

To create surveys that get meaningful answers, you should start with a solid foundation of understanding the why the what and the how you want to ask. Our tipps help you getting your first questionnaire up and running in no time.
1. Determine your objectives

Clearly define what you hope to achieve with your questionnaire to ensure that your questions are targeted and relevant.

2. Raft clear and concise questions

Avoid using complex language or double-barreled questions that may confuse or mislead participants.

3. Keep it short

Try to limit the number of questions to ensure a high response rate and avoid survey fatigue.

4. Use a variety of question types

Mix things up by using a combination of multiple-choice, open-ended, and rating scale questions.

5. Consider the order of questions

The order in which questions are asked can impact the results, so consider the logical flow of your questionnaire.

6. Pre-test your questionnaire

Ask a few people to take your questionnaire and provide feedback on the questions and overall structure.

7. Offer incentives

Consider offering incentives such as discounts or prizes to encourage participation and improve response rates.

Questionnaire maker

Start your online poll now with our free questionnaire maker to gather feedback and drive growth.

  • Easy and simple to use
  • Statistics
  • Questionnaire templates
  • GDPR compliance
  • So much more...

A survey and a questionnaire are often used interchangeably, but a survey generally refers to a more comprehensive and structured collection of information, while a questionnaire is a specific type of survey that consists of a set of written questions.

LimeSurvey is considered better than Google questionnaire because it offers more advanced features and customization options, including the ability to create complex question logic, add multimedia elements, and create multilingual surveys.

Demographic questions for a questionnaire may include age, gender, education level, income, occupation, and location.

A structured questionnaire has a clear and organized format, with each question following a specific pattern and having a defined set of answer options.

An open-ended questionnaire is a type of questionnaire that allows participants to provide free-text answers, rather than selecting from a pre-determined set of options. Open-ended questions can be used to gather more in-depth and qualitative information about a subject, as they allow participants to express their thoughts, opinions, and experiences in their own words. Open-ended questions are often used in combination with other types of questions, such as multiple-choice or rating scale questions, to provide a more comprehensive understanding of a subject.

A closed-ended questionnaire is a type of questionnaire that provides a limited set of pre-determined answer options for participants to choose from. Closed-ended questions are often used to gather quantitative data, such as opinions, preferences, or demographic information, and are typically faster and easier to complete than open-ended questions. They can also be analyzed more easily and objectively, as the data collected is numerical and can be quantified. Examples of closed-ended questions include multiple-choice questions, Likert scale questions, and rating scale questions.

There are several types of questionnaires in research, including structured, unstructured, cross-sectional, longitudinal, and mixed-methods.

An unstructured questionnaire is more informal and less structured than a structured questionnaire, allowing for more free-form responses.

Common questionnaire questions include multiple-choice, rating scale, and open-ended questions.

A qualitative questionnaire is a type of questionnaire designed to gather qualitative data, such as opinions, attitudes, beliefs, and experiences. Qualitative questionnaires are typically used to explore complex and subjective issues in depth, and to gain a deeper understanding of people's attitudes, perceptions, and motivations. Unlike quantitative questionnaires, which are focused on collecting numerical data, qualitative questionnaires typically use open-ended questions to gather rich, descriptive data. Examples of qualitative questions include "Can you describe your experience with our product?" or "What do you think about the current political situation?" The data collected from qualitative questionnaires is typically analyzed using qualitative data analysis techniques, such as thematic analysis or content analysis.

A quantitative questionnaire is a type of questionnaire designed to gather numerical data, such as frequency, quantity, or demographic information. Quantitative questionnaires are used to collect objective and quantifiable data, and to test hypotheses and theories. They typically use closed-ended questions, such as multiple-choice, rating scale, or Likert scale questions, to gather data that can be easily analyzed and quantified. The data collected from quantitative questionnaires can be analyzed using statistical methods, such as regression analysis or chi-squared tests. Quantitative questionnaires are often used in market research, social sciences, and health sciences to gather data for hypothesis testing, generalization, and comparison purposes.

A standardized questionnaire is a pre-written questionnaire that has been validated and tested, while a customized questionnaire is tailored to the specific needs of a particular research project.

A questionnaire interview is a combination of a questionnaire and an interview, with participants answering written questions as well as being asked follow-up questions by a researcher.

A multiple choice questionnaire consists of questions that have several pre-determined answer options for participants to choose from.

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