Create an University survey

University surveys

Easily design and distribute university surveys to collect valuable feedback from students, faculty, and staff. Whether you're conducting academic research, assessing program effectiveness, or gathering opinions on campus initiatives, LimeSurvey empowers you to create surveys that generate actionable insights.
Unlimited answers
80+ languages
icon 28+ poll question types
Create an university survey
Numerical input
Option fields list
Data upload
Language change
Quick translation
Individual subdomain
Community support
Pictures and Videos
Skip Logic/Branching
Valuation rules
Open and closed surveys
Various survey designs
Responsive design
Anonymous surveys
GDPR compliance
Easy-to use
With the LimeSurvey editor you can create and publish your first university survey within minutes
OpenSource & community-power
LimeSurvey is built upon a powerful OpenSource community that is constantly developing our solutions further and is happy to help new members

We don’t monkey around - we just offer you the best features

Create free university survey now
Course Feedback Survey
Faculty Evaluation Survey
Research Participation Survey
Alumni Relations Survey
Campus Life Survey
Academic Program Review Survey
Learning Resource Center Survey
Student Organization Survey
International Student Experience Survey
Graduation Outcome Survey
Teaching Quality Assessment Survey
Physical and Mental Wellness Survey
Distance Education Survey
Student Services Evaluation Survey
College Affordability Survey
Career Services Survey
Community Engagement Survey
Accessibility and Disability Services Survey
University Reputation Survey
Easy online university survey

Best tipps for creating an university survey

Creating a well-designed university survey requires careful consideration of the questions and responses to ensure the data collected is actionable. Find out how to create a university survey that provides useful insights and drives positive change.
1. Establish clear research objectives

Define the goals and purpose of your survey, as having a clear focus will aid in designing a pertinent survey.

2. Examine existing literature

Review previous research on your subject to identify knowledge gaps and opportunities for further exploration.

3. Develop a research question or hypothesis

Form a specific research question or hypothesis to direct your survey design and data analysis process.

4. Identify your target population

Determine the group of people you want to survey, such as students, faculty, or staff. Consider the required sample size for statistically significant results and ensure the selected sample represents the population under study.

5. Secure ethics approval

If your university survey involves human subjects, obtain approval from your institution's ethics committee or review board before commencing data collection.

6. Craft clear, concise questions

Compose questions using simple, easy-to-understand language. Steer clear of technical terms, jargon, or acronyms that might confuse respondents.

7. Incorporate various question types

Combine multiple-choice, open-ended, and rating scale questions to gather diverse responses, making the survey more engaging and yielding richer data for analysis.

8. Avoid biased or leading questions

Create neutral questions that don't push respondents toward a particular answer to ensure unbiased data collection.

9. Test your survey

Before distributing the survey, test it with a small group of people from your target population to identify any issues, ambiguities, or biases in the questions and make necessary adjustments.

10. Determine suitable distribution channels

Identify the most effective channels to reach your target population, such as email, social media, university websites, or online forums.

11. Establish a timeline and send reminders

Set a clear timeline for survey completion and send reminders to encourage participation. Be transparent about the research purpose and the intended use of the data.

12. Analyze and present your findings

Use data analysis tools to identify trends, patterns, and relationships in the data. Accurately interpret and report your findings, and discuss the implications of your results in light of existing literature.

University survey maker

LimeSurvey's customizable and user-friendly university survey maker enables you to effortlessly collect valuable feedback from students, faculty, and staff, with the goal of enhancing the overall academic experience.

  • Easy and simple to use
  • Statistics
  • University survey templates
  • GDPR compliance
  • So much more...

A university survey is a tool used by academic institutions to gather feedback from students, faculty, staff, and other stakeholders on various aspects of university life, such as academic programs, campus facilities, and student services.

Conducting a university survey can help identify areas for improvement, measure student satisfaction, and inform strategic planning and decision-making. It can also demonstrate a commitment to transparency and accountability.

A university survey can cover a range of topics, including academic programs, faculty and staff support, student services, campus facilities, diversity and inclusion, and campus safety.

A university survey can be administered by various parties, including the university administration, faculty, student government, or an external research firm.

Students are typically invited to participate in a university survey via email or through an online portal. They may also be given the option to complete the survey in person or through a paper form.

To ensure the confidentiality of survey respondents, universities should avoid collecting personal identifying information, such as names or addresses. They should also use secure data storage methods and limit access to the data to authorized individuals.

Universities can use survey data to identify areas for improvement and implement changes to enhance the student experience. They can also use the data to inform strategic planning, allocate resources, and evaluate the effectiveness of current programs and services.

To increase the response rate for a university survey, universities can use various techniques, such as incentivizing participation, keeping the survey short, using a clear and compelling subject line, and following up with non-respondents.

To ensure the quality and reliability of survey data, universities should use a representative sample, ensure the survey questions are clear and unbiased, use appropriate statistical analysis, and report the findings accurately and transparently.

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Create an university survey

Transform your university into a hub of innovation and student success with a customized university survey. Gather feedback, identify areas for improvement, and unlock new opportunities to elevate your institution's reputation. Start crafting your personalized survey today and pave the way for a brighter future for your university and its students!