Create a HR survey

HR surveys

Generate customized HR surveys to assess employee satisfaction, engagement and performance. Use these surveys to enhance employee retention, identify areas for training and development, or evaluate the effectiveness of human ressources policies and procedures. Creating HR surveys that generate valuable data has never been easier.
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Create a HR survey
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Various survey designs
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Anonymous surveys
GDPR compliance
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With the LimeSurvey editor you can create and publish your first HR survey within minutes
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LimeSurvey is built upon a powerful OpenSource community that is constantly developing our solutions further and is happy to help new members

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Create free HR survey now
Company Culture Survey
Onboarding Experience Survey
Training & Development Survey
Exit Interview Survey
Performance Review Survey
Work-Life Balance Survey
Benefits & Compensation Survey
Employee Engagement Survey
Employee Net Promoter Score (eNPS) Survey
Team Collaboration Survey
Internal Communication Survey
Leadership Evaluation Survey
Remote Work Experience Survey
Diversity & Inclusion Survey
Health & Safety Survey
Employee Recognition Survey
Conflict Resolution Survey
Workplace Stress Survey
Career Development Survey
1. Establish survey goals

Clearly delineate the objectives and purpose of your human ressources survey, such as evaluating employee satisfaction, identifying training needs, or assessing organizational culture.

2. Determine target respondents

Choose the group of people you want to survey, such as employees from specific departments, teams, or hierarchical levels within the organization.

3. Develop clear, concise questions

Write questions using straightforward, easy-to-understand language. Steer clear of technical terms, jargon, or acronyms that might confuse respondents.

4. Incorporate various question types

Combine multiple-choice, open-ended, and rating scale questions to collect diverse responses, making the HR survey more engaging and yielding richer data for analysis.

5. Ensure anonymity and confidentiality

Reassure respondents that their responses will be kept confidential and anonymous, encouraging honest and candid feedback.

6. Pilot the survey

Before distributing the survey, test it with a small group of people from your company to identify any issues, ambiguities, or biases in the questions and make necessary adjustments.

7. Identify suitable distribution channels

Determine the most effective channels to reach your target respondents, such as email, intranet, or company-wide announcements.

8. Analyze data and take action

Use data analysis tools to identify trends, patterns, and areas requiring improvement. Share the findings with relevant stakeholders and develop an action plan to address the identified issues.

HR survey maker

Streamline your human resources processes and gain valuable insights into employee engagement, performance, and satisfaction with our powerful HR survey maker, designed to help you optimize your workforce management.

  • Easy and simple to use
  • Statistics
  • HR survey templates
  • GDPR compliance
  • So much more...

A human resources survey is a tool used by organizations to gather feedback from employees on various aspects of the workplace, such as job satisfaction, work-life balance, employee engagement, and organizational culture.

Conducting a human resources survey can help organizations identify areas for improvement, measure employee satisfaction, and inform strategic planning and decision-making. It can also demonstrate a commitment to employee well-being and retention.

A human resources survey can cover a range of topics, including job satisfaction, employee engagement, work-life balance, organizational culture, diversity and inclusion, compensation and benefits, and performance management.

A HR survey can be administered by various parties, including the human resources department, an external research firm, or an internal employee engagement team.

To ensure the confidentiality of survey respondents, organizations should avoid collecting personal identifying information, such as names or employee ID numbers. They should also use secure data storage methods and limit access to the data to authorized individuals. By the way, LimeSurvey is generally GDPR compatible.

Organizations can use survey data to identify areas for improvement and implement changes to enhance the workplace experience for employees. They can also use the data to inform strategic planning, allocate resources, and evaluate the effectiveness of current programs and policies.

To increase the response rate for a human resources survey, organizations can use various techniques, such as incentivizing participation, keeping the survey short, using a clear and compelling subject line, and following up with non-respondents.

To ensure the quality and reliability of survey data, organizations should use a representative sample, ensure the survey questions are clear and unbiased, use appropriate statistical analysis, and report the findings accurately and transparently.

Common mistakes to avoid when conducting a human resources survey include asking leading questions, using jargon or technical language, failing to pre-test the survey instrument, and not providing adequate context or explanations for the survey questions.

The frequency of conducting a human resources survey depends on the organization's goals and resources. Some organizations conduct surveys annually, while others conduct them every few years.

To ensure that survey results are acted upon, organizations should communicate the survey findings to employees and involve them in the development of action plans. They should also track progress and evaluate the effectiveness of the implemented changes.

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Create a HR survey

Revolutionize your HR strategy and build a happier, more productive workforce with a customized HR survey. Gain valuable insights into employee satisfaction, identify areas for improvement, and foster a culture of continuous development. Start crafting your personalized survey today and unleash the full potential of your human resources!