Create a Corporate survey

Corporate surveys

Feedback gathered from stakeholders such as employees, customers, and investors provides you with insights into their perceptions of your company's performance and reputation, which can be leveraged to identify areas for improvement, streamline business operations, and improve customer and investor relations. Moreover, corporate surveys help you stay informed about industry trends and best practices, enabling you to make data-driven decisions that drive growth and success.
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Create a corporate survey
Numerical input
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Open and closed surveys
Various survey designs
Responsive design
Anonymous surveys
GDPR compliance
Easy-to use
With the LimeSurvey editor you can create and publish your first corporate survey within minutes
OpenSource & community-power
LimeSurvey is built upon a powerful OpenSource community that is constantly developing our solutions further and is happy to help new members

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Create free corporate survey now
Customer Feedback Survey
Market Research Survey
Brand Perception Survey
Training & Development Survey
Competitor Analysis Survey
Product Launch Survey
Mergers & Acquisitions Survey
Organizational Culture Survey
Performance Management Survey
Sales Strategy Survey
Customer Retention Survey
Advertising Impact Survey
Online Presence Survey
Quality Assurance Survey
Corporate Social Responsibility Survey
Supply Chain Evaluation Survey
Change Management Survey
Workplace Safety Survey
Budgeting & Financial Planning Survey
Easy online corporate survey

Best tipps for creating a corporate survey

Corporate surveys can be a valuable tool for gathering feedback from customers, employees, and other stakeholders in a business setting. However, creating a well-designed corporate survey requires careful planning and execution to ensure that the questions are relevant and the responses are actionable. Here you will get tips for creating a corporate survey that will yield valuable insights and help drive positive change within your organization.
1. Define your objectives

Clearly outline the goals and purpose of the survey. Knowing what you want to achieve will help you design a focused and relevant survey.

2. Identify your target audience

Determine which group of people within the organization you want to survey, such as employees, managers, or stakeholders. Consider the sample size needed for statistically meaningful results.

3. Keep it short and focused

Limit the number of questions to avoid survey fatigue. Concentrate on collecting the most pertinent information to meet your objectives.

4. Use clear, concise language

Write questions in simple, easy-to-understand language. Avoid technical terms, jargon, or acronyms that might confuse respondents.

5. Use a mix of question types

Combine multiple-choice, open-ended, and rating scale questions to obtain diverse responses. This will make the survey more engaging and provide richer data to analyze.

6. Avoid leading or biased questions

Ensure your questions are neutral and do not steer respondents toward a specific answer. This helps collect unbiased data.

7. Ensure confidentiality and anonymity

To encourage honest and candid feedback, assure respondents that their responses will remain confidential and anonymous.

8. Test the survey

Before distributing the survey, test it with a small group of people from your target audience. This helps identify any issues, ambiguities, or biases in the questions, allowing for necessary adjustments.

9. Use appropriate distribution channels

Consider the most effective channels to reach your target audience, such as email, intranet, or mobile apps.

10. Set a timeline and send reminders

Establish a clear timeline for survey completion and send reminders to encourage participation. Be sure to close the loop by sharing the results and any subsequent actions taken.

11. Analyze and act on the data

Use data analysis tools to identify trends, patterns, and areas for improvement. Share the findings with relevant stakeholders and develop an action plan to address the identified issues.

Corporate survey maker

LimeSurvey's user-friendly and customizable corporate survey maker empowers you to gather valuable insights and make informed decisions for your business.

  • Easy and simple to use
  • Statistics
  • Corporate survey templates
  • GDPR compliance
  • So much more...

A corporate survey is a structured questionnaire designed to collect data, feedback, or opinions from various stakeholders within a company, such as employees, customers, or partners, on topics like organizational performance, employee satisfaction, or customer experience.

Corporate surveys help organizations gather valuable insights, identify trends, assess satisfaction levels, make informed decisions, and enhance products, services, or internal processes within the company.

To create an effective corporate survey, define your objectives, identify your target audience, and design the survey with clear, concise, and unbiased questions. Ensure an appealing visual design and ease of completion.

Include a mix of multiple-choice, open-ended, and rating scale questions to gather diverse responses. Ensure the questions are relevant, clear, concise, and unbiased, and cover the topics related to your survey objectives.

Clearly communicate your privacy policy and data handling practices to respondents, and assure them that their responses will be kept confidential and anonymous. Use unique identifiers or aggregated data to protect respondent privacy.

The ideal length of a corporate survey depends on the objectives and the topics covered. Aim for a completion time of 10-15 minutes or less to minimize survey fatigue and improve response rates.

Distribute corporate surveys through channels such as email, internal communication systems, company websites, or targeted online advertising. Ensure easy access to the survey and provide clear instructions for completion.

To increase response rates, make the survey easy to complete, visually appealing, and relevant to respondents. Communicate the importance of the survey, its purpose, and how the results will be used. Consider offering incentives or rewards for participation.

Use data analysis tools provided by your survey platform or external software to identify trends, patterns, and insights from the collected data. Focus on the specific objectives the survey is designed to address.

Share the results of corporate surveys with relevant stakeholders in a transparent and timely manner, using formats such as presentations, reports, or internal newsletters. Communicate key findings, implications, and any planned actions or improvements.

Avoid using leading or biased questions, making the survey too long or complex, neglecting to protect respondent confidentiality, and failing to act on the results or communicate findings and actions to stakeholders.

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Create a corporate survey

Boost your corporate success with a customized survey. Gain critical insights, evaluate performance, and enhance employee engagement.