Create an Employee Questionnaire

Employee Questionnaires

Employee questionnaires can offer several advantages for you and your organization. By gathering anonymous feedback from your employees, you can gain insights into their opinions, experiences, and needs, allowing you to make informed decisions that improve employee engagement and satisfaction. Employee questionnaires can also help you identify areas for improvement and develop targeted initiatives that enhance your overall workplace culture.
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Create an employee questionnaire
Numerical input
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Open and closed surveys
Various survey designs
Responsive design
Anonymous surveys
GDPR compliance
Easy-to use
With the LimeSurvey editor you can create and publish your first employee questionnaire within minutes
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LimeSurvey is built upon a powerful OpenSource community that is constantly developing our solutions further and is happy to help new members

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Create free employee questionnaire now
Company Culture Questionnaire
Onboarding Experience Questionnaire
Training & Development Questionnaire
Exit Interview Questionnaire
Performance Review Questionnaire
Work-Life Balance Questionnaire
Benefits & Compensation Questionnaire
Employee Engagement Questionnaire
Employee Net Promoter Score (eNPS) Questionnaire
Team Collaboration Questionnaire
Internal Communication Questionnaire
Leadership Evaluation Questionnaire
Remote Work Experience Questionnaire
Diversity & Inclusion Questionnaire
Health & Safety Questionnaire
Employee Recognition Questionnaire
Conflict Resolution Questionnaire
Workplace Stress Questionnaire
Career Development Questionnaire
Easy online employee questionnaire

Best tipps for creating an employee questionnaire

Employee questionnaires can be an effective tool for gathering feedback and improving the workplace environment. However, creating a well-designed questionnaire can be a challenge. In this section, we will explore some of the best tips for creating an effective employee questionnaire that will yield useful insights and actionable feedback.
1. Clarify the purpose and objectives

To create a successful employee questionnaire, begin by clarifying its purpose and objectives. Define what you want to achieve with the questionnaire and what data you need to collect.

2. Keep it brief and focused

Given that employees are busy, keep the questionnaire brief and focused. Ask questions that will provide the most valuable information.

3. Use clear and concise language

Ensure that the language used in the questionnaire is clear, concise, and free from jargon or corporate buzzwords.

4. Avoid biased questions

Leading questions can influence the response of the employee and make the results biased. Use neutral and unbiased questions to get accurate responses.

5. Offer anonymity

To encourage honest feedback, provide an option for employees to remain anonymous.

6. Use a mix of closed and open-ended questions

A combination of closed and open-ended questions will help you collect both quantitative and qualitative data.

7. Test the questionnaire

Before you distribute the questionnaire, test it with a small group of employees to identify any issues and make improvements.

8. Ensure accessibility

Ensure that the questionnaire is accessible to all employees, including those with disabilities, language barriers, or other needs.

9. Provide clear instructions

Provide clear instructions for completing the questionnaire to help employees understand what is expected of them.

10. Use a variety of question types

Use a variety of question types such as multiple-choice, Likert scales, and open-ended questions to capture a range of responses.

11. Use visuals

Visuals such as charts and graphs can help employees better understand the questionnaire results.

12. Share the results and take action

After the questionnaire, share the results with employees and explain how the information will be used to improve the workplace. Take action on the insights you receive to show your employees that their feedback is valuable and being used to drive positive change.

Employee questionnaire maker

Revolutionize the way you gather employee feedback and insights with our easy employee questionnaire maker.

  • Easy and simple to use
  • Statistics
  • Employee questionnaire templates
  • GDPR compliance
  • So much more...

An employee questionnaire is a structured set of questions designed to gather feedback, opinions, and insights from employees about various aspects of their work experience, such as job satisfaction, engagement, workplace culture, and professional development.

Employee questionnaires are typically more focused and specific in scope compared to Employee Surveys, which may cover a broader range of topics. Questionnaires often target a particular issue, event, or initiative within the organization.

Employee questionnaires help organizations identify areas for improvement, gather feedback on specific initiatives, track progress over time, and gain insights into employee perspectives and experiences.

The frequency of employee questionnaires depends on the organization's objectives and the specific topic being addressed. They can be conducted on an ad hoc basis or scheduled regularly, depending on the organization's needs.

Include a mix of multiple-choice, open-ended, and rating scale questions that are relevant, clear, concise, and unbiased. Ensure the questions are focused on the specific topic or issue the questionnaire is intended to address.

Clearly communicate your organization's privacy policy and data handling practices to employees and assure them that their responses will be kept confidential and anonymous. Use unique identifiers or aggregated data to protect employee privacy.

The ideal length of an employee questionnaire depends on the topic and the organization's objectives. Keep it concise and focused, aiming for a completion time of 10-15 minutes or less to minimize survey fatigue and improve response rates.

Distribute employee questionnaires through internal communication channels, such as email, intranet, or company-wide announcements. Ensure easy access to the questionnaire and provide clear instructions for completion.

To increase response rates, make the questionnaire easy to complete, visually appealing, and relevant to employees. Communicate the importance of the questionnaire, its purpose, and how the results will be used. Consider offering incentives or rewards for participation.

Use data analysis tools provided by LimeSurvey to identify trends, patterns, and insights from the collected data. Focus on the specific topic or issue the questionnaire is designed to address.

Share the results of employee questionnaires with employees in a transparent and timely manner, using formats such as presentations, reports, or internal newsletters. Communicate the key findings, the organization's response, and any planned actions or improvements.

Based on the results, develop an action plan to address identified areas of improvement or concern. Engage employees in the process, involve management, and track progress over time.

Avoid using leading or biased questions, making the questionnaire too long or complex, neglecting to protect employee confidentiality, and failing to act on the results or communicate findings and actions to employees.

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Create an employee questionnaire

Elevate your company culture with a customized employee questionnaire. Gain deeper insights into your team's experiences and identify areas for improvement. Start creating your questionnaire now!