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Search Results (Searched for: export live)

  • okkhalid
  • okkhalid's Avatar
Today 02:06
Thank you all; I have upgraded the lime survey to the latest version. but when I try to export the LSS, it exports the survey structure as well. what I want is to export all the answers, as I have identical surveys (Live) and in use to import the old answers.

So here is the situation. 
I had survey A, and I had 10 questions, all with Yes No answers.
The last question that I created was a location Text format that user inputted the location.

Because of that, we had a hard time getting building charts and stats for the locations.

So I copied survey A and did a new survey(B) with identical field names. and the last questions; now I have it as a down-select menu for our locations.
all other questions are yes and no.
All field names are the same for both surveys A and B.

So now, we are using survey B to collect feedback, and it's working well, as the locations are drop down, and we can get stats.
But we have lots of records that are based on time and date on survey A that we need to export and then import to Survey B, which is now live.
I was thinking after downloading the data, I would replace the location in Survey A with the location codes that we have in Survey B.

Any steps and help really appreciated 

  • Ernesto_Hong
  • Ernesto_Hong's Avatar
10 Apr 2024 23:30
Please help us help you and fill where relevant:
Your LimeSurvey version: b]6.5.2[/b
Own server or LimeSurvey hosting: oak.connect.gov
Survey theme/template: default
My team has recently started using version 6.5.2. So far with this version of Lime Survey I found a few quirks that I do not believe have been addresses yet and were hoping to get some insight from the community.
  1. We found that we cannot view the Statistics menu if the array question, dual array, is within the structure of a survey. 
  2. The native function to export to PDF does not work. Our developer tried finding the issue using googles developer tools but no issue was found in the tool.
  3. Excel exports create a excel spreadsheet that shows numerous deprecated error logs that point towards the vendor. 
  4. There is inconsistency with responses from participants being recorded in a surveys response table. This tends to occur more than often in surveys that were created by importing a .lss file. If you create a survey through importing an .lss, then activate and run the survey, responses from participants are not always recorded the first time around. Some times participants need to retake a survey, or if you enable the ability to print response, they will need to save their responses themselves and then provide the copy they save after completing a survey. This would create a need for a manual process to log a survey participants responses, which is a pain.
  5. With image questions are wonky as well. You can copy and paste in image or download an image from a server to place in the question and/or answer. However, previews and live runs of the survey show broken image icons in their place instead of the intended images. When you double back to check the question under structure the images are displayed just fine in the question set up. 
  6. Captcha is completely faulty and does not work from what we have experience thus far. When enabled in a survey the input field appears but there is prompt string to enter. 
  7. The placeholder macro that can be found while entering text for your Text Elements, Email templates, and questions is buggy. You get 1 good use out of it and after that use, every RegExp entered by the placeholder macro outputs the RegExp for email only.
    We found a work around where you can save the first entry and then the enter the next placeholder, then repeat. Or you can enter them manually, but it's an inconvenience. 
  • pimkas17
  • pimkas17's Avatar
08 Nov 2023 08:52
Please help us help you and fill where relevant:
Your LimeSurvey version: Version 5.4.11
Own server or LimeSurvey hosting: Own server
Survey theme/template: Own
(Write here your question/remark)

So I am using limesurvey for a survey that has gone live. So I just realized that it shows and exports zero value (answer option 0) as missing (Missing string) for each question were I also used the decryption funktion. For questions were this function is not turned on I have my zeros. 

I have tried exporting it in several different formats but no zeros only missing values. Why on earth has it decided to do this?? I more importantly how can I recover my data. I need to know which questions have been missed and which have been answered with 0. 

Thanks in advance
  • lfanfoni
  • lfanfoni's Avatar
31 Aug 2023 14:46
Replied by lfanfoni on topic controllo codice fiscale
Ho visto il tuo nuovo topic sul forum generale in inglese e mi sembra che i guru di LimeSurvey stanno cercando di aiutarti ....loro ne sanno sicuramente più di me, però mi permetto di darti un suggerimento "metodologico" piuttosto che tecnico.
Le domande con tante cose diverse tutte insieme, come è la tua domanda array, sono veramente difficili da rappresentare con software generalizzati, soprattutto per quanto riguarda i controlli di congruenza. In questi casi, preferisco cambiare rappresentazione del modulo, quindi defineri tanti gruppi di domande per quanti sono gli operatori "massimi" che possono essere inseriti (mi sembra 10), e in ogni gruppo di domande (da rappresentare per singola pagina), metti le singole domande impostando la tipologia corretta. Per Nome e Cognome puoi usare una array con due righe, ma per le altre puoi usare la tipologia corretta sulla singola domanda e anche impostare il controllo custom, per esempio puoi mettere un controllo sintattico per la email, oppure un menù a tendina per il ruolo, oppure una si/no sulla disponibilità delle credenziali. Se scegli per questa opzione, conviene definire per bene il primo gruppo di domande relativo al primo operatore e metterci dei codici di domanda che ti permettono di fare poi gli incrementi di 1 per gli operatori successivi. Una volta completato il primo gruppo, fai l'export in formato lsg e l'import dello stesso, stando attendo a rinominare i codici incrementando per numero di operatore. Per visualizzare solo il numero di operatore che dichiara nella domanda dedicata, puoi usare la rilevanza a livello di intero gruppo di domande.
  • Luilee89
  • Luilee89's Avatar
11 Jul 2023 14:59
Bitte helfen Sie uns, Ihnen zu helfen und füllen Sie folgende Felder aus: 
Ihre LimeSurvey-Version: [siehe rechts unten auf Ihrem LimeSurvey-Verwaltungsbildschirm]: 5.6.24+230531
Eigener Server oder LimeSurvey-Cloud:  LimeSurvey Community Edition  
Genutzte Designvorlage: 
Hallo zusammen,
ich nutze Limesurvey aktuell über meine Uni um eine Erhebung für meine Bachelorarbeit durchzuführen. Meine Umfrage ist bereits aktiv und nun muss ich nachträglich eine Gruppe löschen. Dies geht leider nicht über die Gruppenliste, da es dann zu einem Timeout kommt. Gibt es einen anderen Weg um die Gruppe zu löschen?
Da die Umfrage nun schon aktiv ist und ich bereits einige Antworten gesammelt habe, muss ich ja nun die Umfrage außerdem kurzzeitig offline nehmen. Damit nicht alle Ergebnisse verloren gehen, wähle ich die Option "Umfrage zeitlich beenden", richtig? Allerdings steht im Manual, dass Änderungen an Fragen, Gruppen, und Parametern einer Umfrage nur begrenzt möglich sind. Wisst ihr, ob ich dann überhaupt in der Lage bin die Gruppe zu löschen? Ich wollte außerdem fragen, wie der Prozess aussieht, wenn ich dann die Umfrage wieder live schalten möchte? Sind dann die Antworten in der Übersicht noch sichtbar? Oder muss ich die Daten dann vorher exportieren und dann wieder importieren? Verändert sich außerdem der Link, den ich bereits verteilt habe? Fragen über Fragen :-) Ich hoffe ihr könnt mir helfen.
  • peppermintss
  • peppermintss's Avatar
20 Jun 2023 09:14
Hi both,

Thank you for providing very helpful answers and replying so promptly. I understand that you are just volunteers that are helping and I appreciate that very much. I also have to explain myself: Please also do understand that it is my first time using this forum and I am a new LimeSurvey user as you can also see from my badge. That said, I do not understand the repercussions of having to share the LSS export file so publicly here for everyone to see. It is also not my own project but we are working as a team so I do not know if my collaborators would welcome that. Also, from the LSS export file, you are not able to see the problem this time and I would still have to describe it anyway so I am not sure how helpful it would really be.

Bearing what you have said in mind, to also ease your lives, I would only show a sample next time when I ask for help.
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