From LimeSurvey Manual

This event can be used each time a token is send by the system. Token emails are of type reminder, invitation, confirm or register.
The event receives the following information:
- mailer : The mailer object (New in 4.0 ))
- type : Email type (reminder, invitation, confirm or register (New in 2.06 ))
- model : model used in survey_languagesettings table (remind, invite, confirm or register (New in 2.51.5 ))
- survey : The survey id (New in 2.51.5 )
- subject : Email subject
- to : Recipient(s)
- body : Email body content
- from : Sender(s)
- token : Raw token data in an array .
Possible output
The following information can be set in the event:
- subject : Email subject
- to : Recipient(s)
- body : Email body content
- from : Sender(s)
- send : If true Limesurvey will send the email. Setting this to false will cause Limesurvey to assume the mail has been sent by the plugin.
- message : If send is true and call by register : a message to be shown to the user
- error : If set and "send" is true, log the error as failed email attempt.
See also