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Country list and dropdown autocomplete

3 years 5 months ago #207837 by ricardo
Replied by ricardo on topic Country list and dropdown autocomplete
@Joffm. Your example does not work in Version 3.19.1+191009
The "Test!2 example in the manual does work though.

<script type="text/javascript" charset="utf-8">
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3 years 5 months ago #207838 by tpartner
Replied by tpartner on topic Country list and dropdown autocomplete
Did you include jQuery UI as indicated earlier in this thread?

Tony Partner

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3 years 2 months ago #211200 by kevinleung
Replied by kevinleung on topic Country list and dropdown autocomplete
Hi tpartner, 

Thank you for sharing the script. 
May I know if "Array text" feasible to work on autocomplete function? (one of the column could autocomplete)

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3 years 2 months ago #211223 by tpartner
Replied by tpartner on topic Country list and dropdown autocomplete
This should work in, for example, the second column of an array-texts type question:
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/jqueryui/1.12.1/jquery-ui.min.css" />
<script type="text/javascript" src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/jqueryui/1.12.1/jquery-ui.min.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" charset="utf-8">
  $(document).ready(function() {
    var column = 2;
    $('#question{QID} .answer-item:nth-child('+(column+1)+') input[type="text"]').autocomplete({
      minLength: 2,
      source: ["África do Sul", "Albânia", "Alemanha", "Andorra", "Angola", "Anguilla", "Antigua", "Arábia Saudita", "Argentina", "Armênia", "Aruba", "Austrália", "Áustria", "Azerbaijão", "Bahamas", "Bahrein", "Bangladesh", "Barbados", "Bélgica", "Benin", "Bermudas", "Botsuana", "Brasil", "Brunei", "Bulgária", "Burkina Fasso", "Butão", "Cabo Verde", "Camarões", "Camboja", "Canadá", "Cazaquistão", "Chade", "Chile", "China", "Vaticano", "Colômbia", "Congo", "Coreia do Norte", "Coreia do Sul", "Costa do Marfim", "Costa Rica", "Croácia", "Dinamarca", "Djibuti", "Dominica", "Estados Unidos da América", "Egito", "El Salvador", "Emirados Árabes", "Equador", "Eritreia", "Escócia", "Eslováquia", "Eslovênia", "Espanha", "Estônia", "Etiópia", "Fiji", "Filipinas", "Finlândia", "França", "Gabão", "Gâmbia", "Gana", "Geórgia", "Gibraltar", "Granada", "Grécia", "Guadalupe", "Guam", "Guatemala", "Guiana", "Guiana Francesa", "Guiné-Bissau", "Haiti", "Holanda", "Honduras", "Hong Kong", "Hungria", "Iêmen", "Ilhas Cayman", "Ilhas Cook", "Ilhas Curaçao", "Ilhas Marshall", "Ilhas Turks &amp; Caicos", "Ilhas Virgens (brit.)", "Ilhas Virgens(amer.)", "Ilhas Wallis e Futuna", "Índia", "Indonésia", "Inglaterra", "Irlanda", "Islândia", "Israel", "Itália", "Jamaica", "Japão", "Jordânia", "Kuwait", "Letônia", "Líbano", "Liechtenstein", "Lituânia", "Luxemburgo", "Macau", "Macedônia", "Madagáscar", "Malásia", "Malaui", "Mali", "Malta", "Marrocos", "Martinica", "Mauritânia", "Mauritius", "México", "Moldova", "Mônaco", "Montserrat", "Nepal", "Nicarágua", "Níger", "Nigéria", "Noruega", "Nova Caledônia", "Nova Zelândia", "Omã", "Palau", "Panamá", "Papua-Nova Guiné", "Paquistão", "Peru", "Polinésia Francesa", "Polônia", "Porto Rico", "Portugal", "Qatar", "Quênia", "República Dominicana", "República Tcheca", "Reunion", "Romênia", "Ruanda", "Rússia", "Saipan", "Samoa Americana", "Senegal", "Serra Leone", "Seychelles", "Singapura", "Síria", "Sri Lanka", "St. Kitts &amp; Nevis", "St. Lúcia", "St. Vincent", "Sudão", "Suécia", "Suíça", "Suriname", "Tailândia", "Taiwan", "Tanzânia", "Togo", "Trinidad &amp; Tobago", "Tunísia", "Turquia", "Ucrânia", "Uganda", "Uruguai", "Venezuela", "Vietnam", "Zaire", "Zâmbia", "Zimbábue"]

Tony Partner

Solutions, code and workarounds presented in these forums are given without any warranty, implied or otherwise.
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3 years 2 months ago #211321 by kevinleung
Replied by kevinleung on topic Country list and dropdown autocomplete
Hi tpartner, 
Could we show the list if the respondent just click on the text box?
I changed: "minLength: 0,", but it still need to input at least one character. 
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3 years 2 months ago - 3 years 2 months ago #211354 by tpartner
Replied by tpartner on topic Country list and dropdown autocomplete
As far as I know, that's not possible with the jQuery Autocomplete plugin.

Maybe try something like the Select2 component - select2.org/ .

Inspiration - github.com/tpartner/LimeSurvey-Searchable-Dropdown

Tony Partner

Solutions, code and workarounds presented in these forums are given without any warranty, implied or otherwise.
Last edit: 3 years 2 months ago by tpartner.
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