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  • linuxhooligan
  • linuxhooligan's Avatar
10 Jul 2023 00:53 - 10 Jul 2023 03:29
Replied by linuxhooligan on topic Creating a new theme based on a core theme
Following up on this thread with information for noobs.  Details:

1) Tpartner - thanks for the response. 

2) I have a lot of non-nice things to say about NOT being able to just copy/paste an existing them, rename a few things in a file and go but I won't.  Not being able to just copy / paste an original theme, rename a few things in a text file and load it up and go is disappointing.  I just want to put the frustration out front so that I don't paint a rosy picture by accident.

.... however ...

3) Overall, the templating and theming system is extremely powerful and implemented at all of the levels of resolution necessary.  Being able to theme globally, group, per survey use variations is powerful.  I am okay with the complexity because I can see why it was done, it is future proofing the project and perhaps styling frustrations can be reduced a lot by extending some of the customization options + extending documentation in ways that make it at least easy to create variations of a theme which is what most people really want to be able to do.

In addition, as I was hacking around the variations css I was NOT able to break the templating system that on most systems can make the admin section / interface inaccessible without either ftp access or sometimes even having to dig into the database to turn off some parameter or two.  If the templating system is difficult for novices to use it is worth it simply because of this robust level of integration.

Whoever implemented the templating on LS did an amazing job, that was obviously a huge amount of work and everyone did a great job.

4) WORKFLOW  - I decided to EXTEND the Fruity theme and the process of that is just go to THEMES and select EXTEND on the theme.  I named my new theme appropriately and then I LEFT THE THEME ALONE.  I tried editing the theme using the Theme Editor but that was an absolutely useless process. 

The minimum changes I wanted to do would need to go into the custom.css file and it just wan't obvious on any level how to quickly select a css class, change the properties and go.  In addition, all of the suggestions to use Bootsrap customizers to generate css are useless, you cannot just generate a Bootstrap theme, drop the css into the custom.css file and go.

So created an extended theme and left it alone.  It's not worth the effort without doing coursework on the latest Bootstrap classes, on Twig and how to integrate everything nicely. 

5) THE SIMPLE SOLUTION - Apply my new theme and just create a VARIATION.

This was the chosen approach because I mostly just wanted to change colours.  The process is simple:

a) Copy one of the variation themes from /original-theme/css/variations/
b) Drop the source theme file into /your-new-extended-theme/css/variations/

Edit the new file and go.


For any newbs reading / looking for information on how to quickly create a theme VARIATION, here is why I did:

a) Extend the Fruity theme - CONFIGURATION / ADVANCED / THEMES --> select EXTEND

b) Apply my new theme to an existing survey so that you can have a meaningful visual reference.  In the survey go to THEME OPTIONS and select CUSTOMIZE and then select a VARIATIONS theme in the SIMPLE OPTIONS tab.

c) FTP - Ftp into my server, download the Fruity theme as well as MY-NEW-EXTENDED-THEME. 

The official themes are located in your /install-directory/themes/surveys/ directory.
Your EXTENDED theme is located in your /installation-directory/upload/themes/survey directory.

d) On my machine, copy one of the variations from /fruity/css/variations/ to /my-new-extended-theme/css/variations

e) Rename the css I copied into my /variations folder to something meaningful.  It doesn't matter what you call it, just note the name because you will need to tell LS what the new VARIATIONS theme is called.

f) Add the name of my new VARIATION css to the /my-new-extended-theme/config.xml file in the options section at the bottom.  Here is what mine looks like:

<cssframework type="dropdown" category="Simple options" width="12" title="Variations" parent="cssframework">
                <option value="css/variations/my-new-variation-theme.css">My New Variation Theme</option>
                <option value="css/variations/sea_green.css">Sea Green</option>
                <option value="css/variations/apple_blossom.css">Apple Blossom</option>

g) Go back to the survey and in the THEME OPTIONS / SIMPLE OPTIONS tab you should now be able to select your new variation theme.

h) You can now start to edit the css and upload the updated css to your server so that you can see the changes.  Please note that these variation css files are WAY more complex than I expected them to be.  First, they need to be formatted to be human readable so you will need to do a search and replace on the } character with a }+carriage return in your editor so you have something you can work with.  Next finding the actual selectors is going to be a bit of a nightmare but it can be done. 

At minimum, it will be possible to change most of the base colours that cannot be changed in the THEME OPTIONS section of the survey or the theme.

f) APPLY THE FOLLOWING WORKFLOW: In order to retain your sanity editing the variations css, I had to apply the following workflow:

* Edit my variations file.
* Upload it to the server.
* In one browser tab have CONFIGURATION / GLOBAL OPEN and select: CLEAR NOW (Clear assets cache)
* In another browser tab have the survey admin section open and select PREVIEW SURVEY to see the changes.  NOTE:  You mostly cannot reload an open survey and see all of your changes because the system caches assets.  Making sure you select CLEAR NOW above helps keep your sanity in check.

Once you get in the iteration groove it is okay and you can make quite a good amount of changes without knowing too much Bootstrap. 

5) SUMMARY: If you are just starting out and want to quickly create a theme for your survey with some minimal colour changes, I think this is probably the quickest workflow before it becomes necessary to learn Bootstrap, some of the advanced css features such as @mediaqueries as they are used here and the Twig templating framework.

Overall, I did hack around quite a bit and I could not get anything to break.  This speaks volumes for the quality of the engineering of LS and I really cannot actually complain.  I will try to help with some of the manuals and other documentation to help reduce the barrier to entry to future users that wan to jump into customization.

Thanks for your help Tpartner.

  • elerega
  • elerega's Avatar
09 Jul 2023 11:34 - 09 Jul 2023 11:36
Hi Joffm,Thank you very much for the example graphs! They were very helpful in understanding how to use Google Graphs in Limesurvey.

I am stuck in loading participants’ previous answers into the graph.

For example, in your code you define the values that are displayed in the graph:
var data = google.visualization.arrayToDataTable([        ['Kenmerk', 'Belangrijkheid', { role: 'style' } ],        ['testa_firstgraph', {80}, 'color: #394165'],        ['testb_firstgraph', {20}, 'color: #0CA5AA'],        ['testc_firstgraph', {30}, 'color: #F2941A'],        ['testd_firstgraph', {40}, 'color: #E64E67']      ]);

I would like to automatically load data from participant’s previous answers (from previous formulas or arrays of the survey, for example). Is this possible to do?

If this question is out of the scope of a community forum, please accept my apologies and let me know.
  • Joffm
  • Joffm's Avatar
08 Jul 2023 17:31
Replied by Joffm on topic Randomisierung von Fragegruppen-Blöcken
Hallo, Jule,
Du hast also 4 S(zenario)-Gruppen x 5 A(kteur)-Gruppen.
Von den S-Gruppen möchtest Du eine anzeigen, also ist das Stichwort "Zufallszahl".
Die jeweils 5 A-Gruppen werden alle angezeigt, aber in zufälliger Reihenfolge; hier ist das Stichwort "Randomisierungsgruppe".

Schau Dir einmal mein Tutorial 4: Gleichungen, Zufall..." an. Findest Du hier auf einer der folgenden Seiten (7 oder 8).
Außerdem gibt es von unserem Partner Paul Borsdorf viele kurze Youtube-Videos.
Ich habe gestern gesehen, eine ganz neue Playlist über Version 5.x.

Falls es dann noch Fragen gibt, schicke bitte den lss-Export einer kleinen Beispielstudie.

Bis dann
  • Joffm
  • Joffm's Avatar
07 Jul 2023 12:33 - 07 Jul 2023 12:52
Replied by Joffm on topic Matrix Zahleneingabe beschränken
Du hast Recht.

Die Validierungsfleichung, die übrigens nicht in "Teilfragenvalidierung" gehört) muss noch etwas aufgebohrt werden.
(is_empty(self.sq_1_X002.NAOK) OR self.sq_1_X002.NAOK<101) AND (is_empty(self.sq_2_X002.NAOK) OR self.sq_2_X002.NAOK<101) AND (is_empty(self.sq_3_X002.NAOK) OR self.sq_3_X002.NAOK<101) AND (is_empty(self.sq_4_X002.NAOK) OR self.sq_4_X002.NAOK<101) AND (is_empty(self.sq_5_X002.NAOK) OR self.sq_5_X002.NAOK<101) AND (is_empty(self.sq_6_X002.NAOK) OR self.sq_6_X002.NAOK<101) AND (is_empty(self.sq_7_X002.NAOK) OR self.sq_7_X002.NAOK<101) AND (is_empty(self.sq_8_X002.NAOK) OR self.sq_8_X002.NAOK<101) AND (is_empty(self.sq_other_X002.NAOK) OR self.sq_other_X002.NAOK<101)

Also: Entweder ist die Zelle leer (wenn sie nicht angezeigt wird) oder der Wert is kleiner als 101.
Sie kann am Schluss ja nicht leer bleiben, da es eine Pflichtfrage ist.

Und wenn Du mit dem Matrixfilter arbeitest, sollte die Teilfragenrelevanz nicht noch zusätzlich eine Bedingung enthalten.

Hier die lss zurück.

File Attachment:

File Name: limesurvey...3156.lss
File Size:242 KB

Viel Erfolg


Ich habe gerade noch gesehen, dass in Fragetext von Q04 diese Validierung angezeigt wird.
Das kann natürlich weg, diente nur für mich zum Test.

Und Deine "wilde" Bedingung für Q07.
Ein kurzer Ersatz dafür wäre: count(that.Q06)>0
Hier kannst Du doch auch den Matrixfilter benutzen.

  • Joffm
  • Joffm's Avatar
07 Jul 2023 11:04 - 07 Jul 2023 11:07
Replied by Joffm on topic Matrix Zahleneingabe beschränken
Hallo, Marion,

zum Matrixfilter:
1. Ja Du trägst im Feld "Logik / Matrixfilter" den Code der Frage ein, auf den er sich beziehen soll, also hier Q03
2. Ganz wichtig: Die Teilfragencodes müssen in beiden Fragen identisch sein.
Erste Frage:
Welche Automarken kennst Du? (Mehrfachnennung)
1: Alfa Romeo
2: BMW
3: Citroen
4: Daihatsu

Zweite Frage:
Welche Marke würdest Du am ehesten kaufen? (Einfachnennung)
Und auch wieder
1: Alfa Romeo
2: BMW
3: Citroen
4: Daihatsu

Gerade in diesem Fall (LimeSurvey bietet ja standardmäßig diese "bescheuerten" Vorgaben "SQ001", "SQ002" bei Mehrfach, und "AO01", "AO02",... bei Einfachfragen an) musst Du diese Codes anpassen.
Das solltest Du übrigens immer.
Denn sobald Du eine Itembatterie mit Skalen abfragst, willst Du ja später statistische Werte und Tests berechnen. Mach das mal mit diesen Texten.

Jetzt noch eine kleine Ergänzung:
Wenn Du nun in der zweiten Frage einen Code benutzt, der nicht in der ersten vorkommt, wie
9: keine Angabe
wird diese Option immer angezeigt; der Matrixfilter greift nur auf die übereinstimmenden Codes zu.

Für solche "Basics" gibt es auch die sehr guten, kurzen Youtube-Videos unseres LimeSurvey-Partners Paul Borsdorf.
Dummerweise gibt es in seiner neuesten Playlist über LS 5.x. (noch) nichts über den Matrixfilter.
Für Fortgeschrittene, denen es auf zusätzliche besonderen Möglichkeiten beim "Look&Feel" ankommt, gibt es meine Tutorials.
Diese findest Du hier im deutschen Teil auf einer der nächsten Seiten, so 6,7 oder schon 8.

Und kann es sein, dass an den Stellen, wo jetzt AND steht ein OR gehört?

Oh, nein!!!
Denn, wie in der Schule gelernt, eine ODER-Verknüpfung ist WAHR, wenn ein Term WAHR ist.
Damit könntest Du locker in die erste Teilfrage 222% eintragen, in die zweite 17% -> Die Validierung ist WAHR.

Ich vermute einfach, Dein Fehler liegt bei der Anzeige der zweiten Frage.
Hier wäre jetzt ein lss-Export angebracht.

Und etwas, was mir noch eingefallen ist:
Du hast in der zweiten Frage die Teilfragen-Texte mithilfe der Property ".shown" angezeigt.
Das ist im Grunde okay, ABER hast Du Dir schon einmal die Antworttabelle angesehen?
Dort wird nämlich ebenfalls nur {Q03_1.shown} angezeigt
Beim Export nach SPSS ebenfalls
Das ist alles zu verschmerzen (Du musst dann halt die richtigen Texte wieder einfügen), aber das solltest Du Dir ersparen und gleich in LimeSurvey die Texte eintragen.

Damit komme ich zum Schluss.
Bitte, denke daran, dass sich ein Test nicht darauf beschränkt, die Umfrage in LimeSurvey durchzuklicken.
Aktiviere sie, gib einige wohldefinierte Daten ein (d.h. Du notierst, was Du wo eingegeben hast),  und exportiere die Antworten in das von Dir später benutzte Statistik-Tool.
Erst wenn Du dort zufrieden bist, gut mit den Daten arbeiten kannst, ist der Test beendet.
Dann kannst Du ja wieder stoppen, um evtl. Änderungen vorzunehmen.

Wie oft haben wir hier mit der Frage zu tun "Ich habe,..., jetzt ist aber in SPSS..., was kann ich jetzt tun?"
Und - zum Glück in sehr seltenen Fällen - ist dann die Antwort "Gar nichts, dumm gelaufen"

Bis dann
  • laugran
  • laugran's Avatar
06 Jul 2023 08:29
Thanks Joffm
Regarding the version I use, it is the version I can access through my University, I cannot do update by myself, but I will pass your comment to the IT support.
  • Joffm
  • Joffm's Avatar
06 Jul 2023 07:47 - 06 Jul 2023 07:52
obviously you set the question to "mandatory".
Unfortunately you neither provided a lss export of these relevant questions (which is always the best to show us the entire settings)  nor showed at least your settings here

Therefore I should say:
1. option: Set the question to "not mandatory". Your desired number of ranked items you get by setting "Minimum answers" and "Maximum answers"
2. option: Set the question to "mandatory" and set the "maximum columns for answers" to your desired maximum.

I should prefer option 1. In case you try to procced without ranking any item you see in option 2 the misleading hint "Rank all items" (though here  "all" refers to 3, but the participant will not know)

Now a word to your version.
Your version didn't get any updates, security fixes for nearly 4 years. It was released October 23, 2019.
Regarding GDPR it is irresponsible to use such an old version.

  • laugran
  • laugran's Avatar
06 Jul 2023 00:40
Please help us help you and fill where relevant:
Your LimeSurvey version:Version 3.19.3
Own server or LimeSurvey hosting:
Survey theme/template:
I don't understand why, when I am testing my questionnaire, a ranking question gives some problem. I selected in the parameters of the question, between 1 to 3 answers. I've sorted 3 answers among the choices, but when I try to go to the next page, it freezes, and tells me that I have to sort all the answers.
Anyone has an idea about what is wrong with this question ?
  • Joffm
  • Joffm's Avatar
05 Jul 2023 18:44 - 05 Jul 2023 18:45
read the manual about implemented functions
[url] manual.limesurvey.org/ExpressionScript_-...mplemented_functions [/url]
where you find the functions "count()" and  "countif()"

Now your equation will count each of your 5 answer options, like

If one of these counts is equal to  5, or more general (that it matches each number of subquestions) to "count(that.G01Q02)" you set the result to 1, else to 0.
And set your quota on this equation.

{if(countif("1",that.G01Q02.NAOK)==count(that.G01Q02.NAOK) or countif("2",that.G01Q02.NAOK)==count(that.G01Q02.NAOK) or countif("3",that.G01Q02.NAOK)==count(that.G01Q02.NAOK) or countif("4",that.G01Q02.NAOK)==count(that.G01Q02.NAOK) or countif("5",that.G01Q02.NAOK)==count(that.G01Q02.NAOK),1,0)} 

Of course, you should use numerical codes- as I did. In your analysis you usually want to calculate some statistical measures, like mean, std.deviation, etc and also run some tests, like t-Test or ANOVA.
And really: the mean of "AO01" and "AO04" is not "AO02.5".   

  • holch
  • holch's Avatar
04 Jul 2023 18:28
Replied by holch on topic Email is useless
OK, can you post what your settings look like?

Of course hide the actual information, just to see the general settings and what you put where.

Something in the installation is wrong.

If you did a complete new installation I don't think it has to do with your specific installation either. Because it would be weird if twice things go wrong during installation the same weird way.

Are both the same LS 6.1.6+230703? Did you set the new one up from scratch? Or did you copy it from the first one?

I will try to setup the email feature on my test installation of LS 6 here to see what happens.

With which type of emails are you currently trying? (e.g. Survey invitations, user notifications like email to new users, test email feature)?
  • holch
  • holch's Avatar
04 Jul 2023 18:09 - 04 Jul 2023 18:21
Acho que as formulas que postei não funcionam. Estou testando aqui...
Corrigi as formulas no meu post, agora funciona.
  • linuxhooligan
  • linuxhooligan's Avatar
04 Jul 2023 15:35 - 04 Jul 2023 18:58
Please help us help you and fill where relevant:
Your LimeSurvey version: 6.1.6+230703
Own server or LimeSurvey hosting: VPS
Survey theme/template: Default


We are creating multiple choice and single choice questions similar to this:

QUESTION: You and your collaborator have different views on how to solve a problem, how do you communicate your viewpoints to them?
[ ] TRAIT01 - I leave it be.
[ ] TRAIT02 - agree to do it their way.

QUESTION: Your collaborator made a rude joke during a meeting, and it made you look bad in front of the team. You:
[ ] TRAIT01 - Apologise on their behalf.
[ ] TRAIT02 - Talk to them after the fact.

Since we are testing for personality traits, we need to assign individual value to each trait and then at the end of the survey sum all the values each trait across any number multiple or single choice questions as follows:


With check boxes, we can reference individual answers and values using the following syntax:  sum(if(G01Q01_acc.NAOK == "Y", 1, 0), if(G01Q02_acc.NAOK == "Y", 1, 0), ... if(G01Q06_acc04.NAOK == "Y", 1, 0))

How is this done using radio buttons?  I have checked the documentation but I must have missed it.  Google has not been able to help me narrow down the syntax either.


  • Joffm
  • Joffm's Avatar
04 Jul 2023 15:02
Nachdem ich jetzt auch diese Mails schicken und empfangen kann - hatte ich nämlich wie @holch auch nicht eingebaut, zeigt sich ja,
dass in den Mail-Templates nicht auf diese Variablen und auch nicht auf davon abgeleitete zugegriffen werden kann.

Ich habe einfach einmal einen kleinen Prototypen gebaut, der nur eine Antwort zählt.

In der kurzen Doku zu diesem Plugin stehen ja bereits einige Restriktionen. Also scheint dies ebenfalls eine.

Jedenfalls hast Du dadurch ein Update auf 6.x. gemacht und  statFunctions kennengelernt.
Damit wäre also alles erledigt.

Solltest Du allerdings mit 3.x. dieses Ding durchführen müssen, wird es eng, da diese Werte ja nicht in der Datenbank gespeichert werden.
In meinem Tutorial 3: Gimmicks, Kap.  zeige ich ja, wie man diese Variablen mit javascript in eine Frage (kurzer Text)  hineinpipt.
Dann zeigst Du diese Frage in der Mail an.


  • roblej
  • roblej's Avatar
04 Jul 2023 11:55
Please help us help you and fill where relevant:
Your LimeSurvey version: Versión 5.6.26+230613
Own server or LimeSurvey hosting: Own server
Survey theme/template:

We want to use this expresion @@SURVEYURL@@ in mail invitations, in a bilingual context. So we want to send an email invitation with two different buttons to access to the survey, one button for language A and the other one for language B, giving the user the option to chose the language to respond the survey.

As we can see, @@SURVEYURL@@ uses the language registered in user data while exists or the predetermined language of the survey.

There is a way to add a parameter for the language in this expression @@SURVEYURL@@?

Thank you in advance
  • ghajdu
  • ghajdu's Avatar
04 Jul 2023 10:33 - 04 Jul 2023 10:35
Please help us help you and fill where relevant:
Your LimeSurvey version: LimeSurvey 6.1.5
Own server or LimeSurvey hosting: own server
Survey theme/template:
I am also encountered with the world famous "session not writable" error message. Whatever I did I was not able to get rid of it, even if the session file was created on the file system and some php session test were successful.
Apparently everything was fixed earlier, and don't know what step did help, but it was not working until I restarted the installation. So neither the page reload, nor the check again button was sufficient.

Just FYI.
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