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vertical slider

10 years 3 weeks ago #107299 by fvanderstarre
Replied by fvanderstarre on topic vertical slider
Great! Thx...
How can I change the slider background color (not the handle but the slider itself)?
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  • tpartner
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10 years 3 weeks ago #107304 by tpartner
Replied by tpartner on topic vertical slider
Add something like this to the end of template.css:

.ui-slider.vertical-slider {
  background: none pink;
.ui-slider.vertical-slider .ui-slider-range {
  background: none red;

Tony Partner

Solutions, code and workarounds presented in these forums are given without any warranty, implied or otherwise.
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10 years 1 week ago #107907 by fvanderstarre
Replied by fvanderstarre on topic vertical slider
Now I'd like to make the slider look like a thermometer.
We use a javascript workaround for that in our current setup (1.90), see below and attached image.
I haven't been able to work out how to do it your way though.....
Any help much appreciated!

<script type="text/javascript" charset="utf-8">
var surveyid = 12185;

$(document).ready(function() {
// call the init slider routine for each element of the .multinum-slider class
$(".multinum-slider").each(function(i,e) {
var basename = e.id.substr(10);
$('#slider-'+basename).slider( "option", "range", "min" );
$('#slider-'+basename).slider( "option", "orientation", "vertical" );

var divTag1 = document.createElement("div");
divTag1.id = "slider-range-"+basename;
divTag1.className = "ui-slider-range ui-slider-range-min ui-widget-header";
document.getElementById("slider-"+basename).appendChild( divTag1 );

var divTag2 = document.createElement("div");
divTag2.id = "thermo1";
divTag2.className = "thermo";
divTag2.innerHTML = "<img src=\"/cru/upload/surveys/"+surveyid+"/thermo3.jpg\" alt=\"thermo\" />";
document.getElementById("container-"+basename).appendChild( divTag2 );
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9 years 1 month ago #117923 by jcleeland
Replied by jcleeland on topic vertical slider
I made the following modifications so this would work in 1.91+ (for anyone stuck with a super-old version of LimeSurvey)
// A jQuery plugin to convert multiple-numeric questions to vertical sliders
(function( $ ){
  $.fn.lsVerticalSlider = function(options) {  
    // The defaults, extended and modified with any passed in the function call
    var opts = $.extend( {
      minValue    :0, 
      maxValue    :100, 
      startValue    :'',
      step      :1,
      height      :150, 
      recordStart    :false,
      showMin      :false,
      showMax      :false
    }, options);
    return this.each(function() { 
      var $this = $(this);
      // Some classes for the question and sub-questions
      $('li', $this).addClass('vertical-slider-sub-question');
      // Loop through the sub-questions
      $('li', $this).each(function(i){
        //Get the ID for this answer
        //var firstInput = $(this).find("input:first-child");
        var itemID = $(this).find("input:first-child").attr('id').replace(/answer/, '');
        // Check for pre-existing answer
        if($('#answer'+itemID).val() != '') {
          opts.startValue = $('#answer'+itemID).val();
        // Insert the slider elements
          '<div class="vertical-slider-max-min" style="height:'+(opts.height+2)+'px;"> \
            <div class="vertical-slider-max"></div> \
            <div class="vertical-slider-min"></div> \
          </div> \
          <div id="vertical-slider-'+itemID+'" class="vertical-slider" style="height:'+opts.height+'px;"></div> \
          <div class="vertical-slider-callout-wrapper" style="height:'+(opts.height+2)+'px;"> \
            <div class="vertical-slider-callout" id="slider-callout-'+itemID+'"></div> \
        // Show min/max if option is set
        if(opts.showMax) {
          $('.vertical-slider-max', $this).text(opts.maxValue);
        if(opts.showMin) {
          $('.vertical-slider-min', $this).text(opts.minValue);
        // Initiate the slider
          orientation: 'vertical',
          range: 'min',
          min: opts.minValue,
          max: opts.maxValue,
          value: opts.startValue,
          step: opts.step,
          slide: function(event, ui) {
            setTimeout(function() { 
              $('#slider-callout-'+itemID).css({ 'bottom':$('#vertical-slider-'+itemID+' .ui-slider-handle').css('bottom') }).show();
            }, 10);
          create: function(event, ui) {
            // Initial values and positions
            if($('#answer'+itemID).val() != '') { // Pre-existing answer
            else if(opts.recordStart) { // Record the start value (if option is set)
            else {
            $('#slider-callout-'+itemID).css({ 'bottom':$('#vertical-slider-'+itemID+' .ui-slider-handle').css('bottom') });
})( jQuery );
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