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Fresh install, blank page when trying to create my first survey

10 years 1 day ago #108308 by kodde
Hello all,

I've just installed LimeSurvey on a Synology NAS. So far I haven't had any problems. The installer seems to have installed LimeSurvey correctly and I can access the admin interface. But when trying to create a new survey with the (+) button I only get a blank page.

I've tried looking through the manual and troubleshooting page for this but I haven't come up with anything. Sorry if I missed something.

Any ideas?

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10 years 1 day ago #108333 by kodde
Never mind. After lots of googling and thoughts I realized it might be a good idea to reboot the NAS. I had just installed phpMyAdmin just before LimeSurvey as well. After rebooting creating a new survey now works. No idea why though.

Thanks anyway
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