List questions
From LimeSurvey Manual
To view a list of survey questions, from the Settings tab, click List questions.

Once clicked, the following page will be displayed.

Questions Table
The screenshot above shows (on the top-right side of the table) a search box that allows you to look for a specific question. The group filter can be applied in the case you use similar question names across multiple question groups.
The table columns are:
- Question ID: Displays a numeric value representing the ID of the question.
- Question order: Lists the order in which the questions are displayed to the participants.
- (Question) Code: The question code is mainly used with expressions.
- Question: The question text is displayed under this column.
- Question type: Displays the question type. For further details on the available LimeSurvey question types, check the following link.
- Group: Shows the group a question belongs to. For more details on question groups, click here.
- Mandatory:: To find out more about what it means for a question to be mandatory, click here. Three options can be displayed in the table:
- Not specified: The question is not mandatory.
- Specified: The question has to be filled in by respondents.
- Not relevant: The attribute Mandatory cannot be edited (e.g., text display questions).
- Other: It refers to attribute Other. If enabled, another answer option will be displayed alongside the ones defined by you. Three options can be displayed in the table:
- Not specified: The question does not have the attribute Other enabled (no "other" answer option will be displayed alongside your defined answers).
- Specified: If specified, option Other is active. This means that an other answer option will be displayed alongside your defined question answers.
- Not relevant: Certain questions do not allow you to enable the Other option (such as text display or free text question types).

- Quick-action buttons: The last column contains four quick action buttons:
- Question preview: Allows you to preview a question.
- Edit question: To edit the question text or other question-related attributes, click the green pencil.
- Question summary: Provides access to the most important details of the respective question, such as the question text and the enabled attributes.
- Delete: The red trash button - once clicked, you mustconfirm the question deletion, as well as the deletion of its contents (answer options and subquestions).

Group-Editing Questions
The Selected question(s)... button is located on the bottom-left side of the table. As the name suggests, it allows survey administrators to perform certain group-actions. They are divided in general and advanced options:

- Delete: Click to delete at least two questions from your questions table.
- Set question group and position: Select multiple questions to move them to another question group.
- Set "Mandatory" state: Select multiple questions and edit their "Mandatory" state.
- Set CSS class: To set up a CSS class for multiple questions, use this function.
- Set statistics option: Each question contains a set of attributes grouped under the Statistics tab. For more information, access the .
- Set Other state: To enable or disable attribute Other for multiple questions at once, use this button.
- Present subquestions/answer options in random order: If enabled, the subquestions and question answers will be displayed to each survey participant in a random order. For more details on this attribute, continue reading here.