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  • Tontrup
  • Tontrup's Avatar
Today 18:20 - Today 18:33
delay next screen was created by Tontrup

File Attachment:

File Name: limesurvey...4428.lss
File Size:266 KB

File Attachment:

File Name: limesurvey...4428.lss
File Size:266 KB
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File Attachment:

File Name: limesurvey...4-24.lss
File Size:266 KB

File Attachment:

File Name: limesurvey...4-24.lss
File Size:266 KB
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Your LimeSurvey version: [see right hand bottom of your LimeSurvey admin screen] LimeSurvey 6  
Own server or LimeSurvey hosting: LImesurvey.org Hamburg
Survey theme/template: Fruity ( fruity )
(Write here your question/remark)   I am looking for a way to delay the presentation of the next question from another group. That is, the participant completes a screen/question, presses the "Next" button, and then - rather than immediately - the next question is presented a few seconds later. Is there a way to do this?
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  • kzzz_520
  • kzzz_520's Avatar
Today 17:36
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Dear LimeSurvey community,
I have a question regarding survey design. I would like respondents to make 2 group of random order choices. In each group, they first need to choose their preferred housing, and then, select their preferred mode of transportation. It's a combination of a random question and a fixed question. I have learned from Tpartner’s code in other’s topic, which is a JavaScript/CSS solution. It works very effectively for displaying the process of selecting housing and transportation options.

However, I encountered a issue. In each group, I hope the answer to the first question can influence the display of the second question. That is to say, if they choose housing A (new housing) or housing B (new housing), they will be presented with the transportation mode selection question. If they choose housing C (maintain current situation), they will not be presented with the transportation mode selection question.I edited the conditions of the transportation mode selection question to show/hide it. But it malfunctioned. If housing C (current situation) is selected, the transportation mode selection question still appears. I'm confuse how to make it work. Do I need to resolve it through programming? I don't have a programming background and don't know how to proceed.

 Another issue I have is that I don't want to display the 'Previous' button during these two group to prevent them from going back and modifying their previous answers. And in other questions of the survey,  the 'Previous' button is still needed.

I am not sure if there is a way to solve these problem. Maybe you can help me! Please let me know if you need more information. Thank you so much!
  • free521521521
  • free521521521's Avatar
Today 17:00
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Your LimeSurvey version: [6.5.4+240422]
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Survey theme/template: fruity
I want to do a longitudinal survey with several sessions; I try to use the plugin updateTokenByResponse to establish it. I know I need to Enable token-based response persistence in participant settings, but I can not find it in LS6, does it change the name to "access code"? Cause I only found the option named Enable participant-based response persistence, Allow to update the responses using the access code, etc.

Is there any tutorial for a longitudinal survey with token access? I think it is quite necessary for many researchers.
  • BBSR-SR5
  • BBSR-SR5's Avatar
Today 16:30


What do you mean here ?
Another topic ?

 Yeah, I don't think that'll be fixed until next week, so I need something to make sure we can launch the survey anyway. My current solution is to create a fake ending page, rename the "continue" button on the last page into "Submit" via js and remove all unwanted elements on the fake last page via js and the twig template.

Basically the stuff I've also described here: forums.limesurvey.org/forum/design-issue...a-fake-submit-button

Right now I'm just looking into a way to "close" the survey for a participant that has reached my fake ending page and to send a confirmation mail once they've hit it.
  • holch
  • holch's Avatar
Today 16:19

Wer Leute hinters Licht führen möchte, muss dafür kaum solche Umwege gehen.

Das mag sein. Aber wenn Limesurvey einen Anonymen Modus anbietet, dann sollte der nicht dadurch umgangen werden können, dass man einfach die Attribute aus der Teilnehmertabelle in die Umfrage einliest. Dann kann man sich den Anonymen Modus auch gleich sparen.

Wie gesagt, wenn man diese Daten ohne das Wissen der Teilnehmer in die Umfrage übertragen kann, dann ist das nicht gut. Und wenn du es ihnen sagst und sie dir vertrauen, dann braucht man auch den anonymen Modus nicht.

Da ich den fürchterlich sperrigen Kasten, in dem LimeSurvey in dem Template auf die Anonymität hinweist rausgenommen habe und nur im Anschreiben auf die Anonymität hinweise, findet sich soweit ich weiß für die Befragten auch kein "systemischer" Hinweis auf die Anonymität.

Dann brauchst du den Anonymen Modus ja auch gar nicht. Du kannst jetzt genauso wie vorher, die persönlichen Daten mit den Antwortdaten verbinden. Machst es aber nicht. Es hat sich im Prinzip technisch rein gar nichts geändert für deine Teilnehmer.

Du konntest auch vorher ALLE Teilnehmerdaten mit den Antwortdaten zusammenbringen, sogar im Anonymen Modus. Du hast es halt richtigerweise nicht gemacht. Wenn du jetzt den normalen Modus verwendest ist es genau gleich wie vorher mit dem anonymen Modus der es erlaubte diese Daten ALLE zu übertragen. Die Teilnehmer mussten dir damals im Anonymen Modus vertrauen, und sie müssen dir heute genauso im normalen Modus vertrauen.

Einziger Unterschied: Heute ist der Anonyme Modus quasi wirklich anonym. Vorher war er es eben nicht.
  • free521521521
  • free521521521's Avatar
Today 16:10
UpdateTokenByResponse Plugin Install Error was created by free521521521
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Your LimeSurvey version: [LimeSurvey Community Edition Version 6.5.3+240415]
Own server or LimeSurvey hosting: Self-host
Survey theme/template: Fruity
I find the plugin from this link: gitlab.com/SondagesPro
I update the plugin from from the zip, but it show message after installation:
Error: Could not get plugin description: Missing configuration file for plugin updateTokenByResponse, looked in "updateTokenByResponse/config.xml", inside the folder related to "upload" plugin type.
I try to active it again, it show:"500: Internal Server Error Missing configuration file for plugin updateTokenByResponse, looked in "updateTokenByResponse/config.xml", inside the folder related to "upload" plugin type."
 Anyone can help?
  • fesojt
  • fesojt's Avatar
Today 15:59
Wer Leute hinters Licht führen möchte, muss dafür kaum solche Umwege gehen. Befragte müssen einem (oder eben den Kontrollinstanzen) ohnehin ein Mindestmaß an Vertrauen entgegen bringen.
So ist eben nur noch ganz oder gar nicht möglich. Entweder ich nehme alles und muss im Notfall auch eindeutigen Personenbezug akzeptieren mit oder bekomme gar nichts und kann die Befragung im blödesten Fall nicht durchführen. Das ist schon schade.
Da ich den fürchterlich sperrigen Kasten, in dem LimeSurvey in dem Template auf die Anonymität hinweist rausgenommen habe und nur im Anschreiben auf die Anonymität hinweise, findet sich soweit ich weiß für die Befragten auch kein "systemischer" Hinweis auf die Anonymität.
  • BBSR-SR5
  • BBSR-SR5's Avatar
Today 11:49
Creating a fake submit button was created by BBSR-SR5
Please help us help you and fill where relevant:
Your LimeSurvey version: Version 6.5.4
Own server or LimeSurvey hosting: LimeSurvey Cloud
Survey theme/template: Customised Fruity_23 Blueberry Template
Hello everyone,

thanks to a bug ( bugs.limesurvey.org/view.php?id=19534 ) the submit button doesn't work as it should in my survey. As a workaround I'd like to create a fake submit button.

To do this I would rename the "continue" button on the last page with questions and then remove all buttons on the last actual page of the survey (Page with invisible question and thank you text).

Now I'd like to know if I can rename the continue button on a specific page with twig somehow, or if I have to do this with javascript (on slower PCs/connections user can read the original text sometimes).

Then I'd like to know if I can send a confirmation mail via code somehow? So if someone goes to my fake last page the confirmation mail still gets sent even if they haven't "really" submitted the survey.

I'd also like to know if I can close access to the survey for the participant once they reach my fake last page.
  • holch
  • holch's Avatar
Yesterday 23:19
Tienes varias maneras como hacer esto. Si tienes el email del respondiente (o en los atributos de la tabla dos participantes, o porque lo has preguntado en una pregunta de la encuesta), puedes usar los "admin notifications" ( manual.limesurvey.org/Notifications_%26_..._Notifications_Email ) para enviar un email al email que tienes.

Por exemplo, si la pregunta con el email tiene el codigo "email", puedes acessar este dado con {email} (usar esto en el lugar donde va el email para qual e admin notification debería ser enviado.

Hay diferentes templates para las admin notifications y puedes adaptarlo a lo que necesitas.

Por ejemplo puedes enviar el SavedID al usuario usando {SAVEDID} en el template.
  • MC_EMC23
  • MC_EMC23's Avatar
Yesterday 18:38
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Dear All,
I am currently using Limesurvey 2.06. I realize that this is a very old version in limesurvey but I do not have another option right now.

I have trouble with a syntax that we want to use to rewrite a variable. We are using a if statement. If FIP1_13 question == A2 -> then variable: Implantaat13=""(should be emptied). Else -> nothing should happen and Implantaat13 should remain the same value as before.

However, this syntax now erases/empties the value of Implantaat13. Am I using the operator syntax wrong or is there another way to rewrite a variable?



  • Surveylab_KN
  • Surveylab_KN's Avatar
Yesterday 14:54
Zuordnung was created by Surveylab_KN
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Your LimeSurvey version: 5.3.20
Own server or LimeSurvey hosting: LimeSurvey Cloud
Survey theme/template: Own
für ein Experiment benötige ich die Info in welchem Wahlkreis die befragten Personen leben. Da diese Info wahrscheinlich niemand weiß, möchte ich die PLZ abfragen und dann über die PLZ die Information zuweisen, in welchem Wahlkreis die Person lebt. Diese Info brauche ich, da in einer folgenden Frage ein Text eingeblendet werden soll, der für jeden Wahlkreis anders ist. Ich habe also eine Tabelle mit:
  • allen PLZ in Deutschland
  • den dazugehörigen Wahlkreisen
  • Text entsprechend dem Wahlkreis
Ich weiß nun leider nicht, wie ich dies am besten umsetze. Ich könnte natürlich eine einfache Abfrage der PLZ machen und dann eine Gleichung mit ganz vielen if-Bedingungen für den Wahlkreis. Aber dieses Vorgehen halte ich bei über 8.000 PLZ für sehr umständlich. Allerdings weiß ich keine Möglichkeit, eine Tabelle mit diesen Infos hochzuladen und für die Umfrage nutzen zu können.

Über gute Tipps bin ich sehr dankbar!
  • Orélie
  • Orélie's Avatar
Yesterday 11:03 - Yesterday 11:05

File Attachment:

File Name: limesurvey...4-23.lss
File Size:853 KB
Please help us help you and fill where relevant:
Your LimeSurvey version: LimeSurvey Cloud   Version 6.5.4
Own server or LimeSurvey hosting: Limesurvey hosting
Survey theme/template: Fruity 23


I made a survey with 3 randomly displayed groups (see attached lss file).

I'd like to display the 1st group to 10% of the participants, the 2nd group and the 3rd groups to 45% of the participants.

Does anyone have the correct syntax?

Thanks a lot!
  • rajkumar_dms
  • rajkumar_dms's Avatar
Yesterday 10:44 - Yesterday 14:21
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I would like the below compile the below syntax in lime survey, can i compile it 
<script type="text/javascript">
  $(document).on('ready pjax:scriptcomplete',function(){
function shuffleArray(array) {
    for (let i = array.length - 1; i > 0; i--) {
        const j = Math.floor(Math.random() * (i + 1));
        [array, array[j]] = [array[j], array];
    return array;

// Example: Customizing rotation for a multiple choice question
$(document).ready(function() {
    // Identify the question by its ID or class
    var questionId = $('#question{QID}'); // Change to the appropriate ID or class

    // Get the answer choices container
    var answerChoicesContainer = $(questionId).find('.answer-choices');

    // Get the answer choices
    var answerChoices = answerChoicesContainer.children('.answer-item');

    // Array to store fixed elements
    var fixedElements = [2,4,6];

    // Loop through answer choices to find fixed elements
    answerChoices.each(function() {
        if ($(this).hasClass('fixed')) { // Assuming 'fixed' is a class added to fixed elements

    // Remove fixed elements from the answer choices array
    fixedElements.forEach(function(element) {
        answerChoices = answerChoices.not(element);

    // Shuffle the remaining answer choices
    var shuffledChoices = shuffleArray(answerChoices);

    // Insert fixed elements back into the shuffled choices array
    fixedElements.forEach(function(element) {
        shuffledChoices.splice(element.data('position'), 0, element); // Assuming 'position' is a data attribute indicating the fixed position

    // Append the shuffled choices back to the container
  • quantifyai
  • quantifyai's Avatar
Yesterday 00:58 - Yesterday 00:59
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I want to send the respondent from Lime survey to another platform to complete the survey and bring him back once they screen out or complete the survey. please guide me.
  • larjona
  • larjona's Avatar
22 Apr 2024 17:55 - 22 Apr 2024 17:55
Where to download 3.28.77+231213 ? was created by larjona
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Your LimeSurvey version: 3.28.50
Own server or LimeSurvey hosting: own server
Survey theme/template: n/a
Hello, I have a LimeSurvey 3.x instance that I should have updated long ago but didn't. I would like to get it to the last 3.x release that I believe it's 3.28.77+231213, but I cannot find the place to download it.
If I go to community.limesurvey.org/downloads/ I click on "all releases" and arrive to community.limesurvey.org/releases/ where I can see in page 3 the release I want, but clicking on it does nothing (well, it returns to the first page of the list of releases).
I went to the GitHub repo and I could find the 3.28.76 tag github.com/LimeSurvey/LimeSurvey/tree/3.28.76%2B231018 but not the 3.28.77.
How can I get it?
Displaying 1 - 15 out of 1243 results.

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