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Limesurvey Participant Export/Import

7 years 1 month ago #149927 by plizt
I newly administer a limesurvey installation (2.55.1) with several people conducting surveys on different bases of participants.

I want to import our user tables from our external CRM containing a custom salutation, some internal id and group specification. The survey conductors asked specifically to store only one access token per user inside limesurvey.

I tried to solve this via the central participants database such that each survey conductor should be able to assign the participants to the surveys themselves.

Now several problems occur:

1.) I can not import my participants data to cpdb by using the exported participants file from a survey.
2.) If I produce a file which is importable to cpdb neither the owner_uid nor the created_date is imported.
3.) I can only change the owner of a participant one entry at a time.
4.) I can only assign a maximum of 100 participants to a survey at once.
5.) After assigning those 100 participants to a survey I have to start at the first page with my selection process in the cpdb. (But there are about 5.000 to 10.000 participants for each survey)
6.) From the central user database I cannot export any kind of information at all. There is just no file generated.
7.) Although I can import this stuff to a survey's indexed user table I can not transfer this information back to the cpdb.

As far as I have examined the issue I did not see any way how one would be able to handle this task solely in LimeSurvey.
Therefore I work around these problems by handling the data in our CRM and import all participants information again for every new survey. Which makes me doubt the meaningfulness of the cpdb as a whole...

Can anybody tell me if there is any better option to the task at hand than ignoring the cpdb completely?
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